"Treat the disease, you win some, you lose some. Treat the patient, you always win."
~Patch Adams~

Friday, December 21, 2012

Take 2 minutes to try one of these stress-busters

I am guessing that most of you are experiencing some stress right now because the Christmas holiday is fast approaching.  I know I am, I don't celebrate Christmas and the commercials, the incessant holiday music, and the fake gaiety are annoying me.  It's a yearly thing, some years I cope with it better than others----this year I am about in the middle.  I generally have the biggest smile on my face on January 2!  I definitely have to be aware of stress eating this time of year (I'm not very good at it right now, I'll be honest) and I try to keep to a fitness routine as much as possible.  The Y is not holding water classes on Monday or Wednesday (and obviously are closed Tuesday) but I can go and do a weight workout, or walk, or work out at home with my light free weights. 

I came across this article from Today (NBC) Health on some tips to help you cope with not just holiday stress, but whatever stresses you at any point in the year.  I know I need to focus on my breathing more this time of year, just doing that often breaks the pattern of negative thoughts long enough to reduce my stress levels.  I've already mentioned exercise, and I have about 7 amaryllis bulbs planted in pots that I am nurturing----I didn't think about it at the time I planted them, but watching them grow has helped to relieve the stress of short winter days and long nights. 

Have a great weekend, for those of you travelling, stay safe.  I know the Northeast is getting some stormy weather today, here in the Carolinas it's just cold and windy.  No significant precipitation expected through at least Christmas Day, which is good for those out on the roads.