"Treat the disease, you win some, you lose some. Treat the patient, you always win."
~Patch Adams~

Friday, February 19, 2010

All set for the day?

Adrenal fatigue is real (and I've got the blood work results to prove it)---and it affects a growing number of citizens of all nations. I'm guessing the incidence of adrenal fatigue has risen dramatically in these last two years with all that has gone on in the world. This article from TheHindu.com gives a brief overview of adrenal fatigue, and a few suggestions to help you reduce the level of stress in your life.

I have a couple suggestions to add:

Relaxation tapes/CD's, or in my case, I found some great relaxation programs to listen to on my IPod. I am using ones right now by Andrew Johnson (search it on ITunes), he has a very mild Scottish brogue, and it really helps me to settle down.
Make time in your day, even if it's just for a few minutes, to just sit quietly---do nothing---let your mind relax (this takes practice).

Learn (there are a number of resources on the Internet) to breathe deeply. Some doctors suggest it even helps reduce fibromyalgia symptoms. I know that when I take the time to really be conscious of my breath, it helps me to not tense my back muscles so much, thus relieving some of the fatigue in my back.

Get a hobby! I picked up my knitting again about five years ago, and my life has never been the same. It helps to relax me when I am stressed, my hands are busy and when I am knitting I don't eat (junk food), and I have even made new friends knitting----I'm in two knitting groups and it's a lot of fun to sit and talk and knit (some knitting groups even refer to themselves as Stitch 'N Bitch!). In the spring and fall, I also like to visit gardens and take pictures, which I then turn into notecards. Here's a few of the pictures I took about a month back at the Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden Orchid Conservatory:

Doesn't just looking at those pictures make you feel a bit more relaxed? Have a great weekend, everyone!

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