"Treat the disease, you win some, you lose some. Treat the patient, you always win."
~Patch Adams~

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Higher Doses of Vitamin D Prevent Fractures in Older Women

Good morning, everyone! My apologies for my sporadic posting, and be aware my posts may look a little different for the next week or so. My computer died (moment of silence for dead computer) so I am working entirely from my iPad right now!

Vitamin D has been much in the news lately, a recent study indicated that post menopausal women should not take Vitamin D and calcium because there was no effect on the risk of fractures. First of all, the levels of Vitamin D studied (400-600 IUs daily) are far blow what most progressive practitioners are recommending for their patients right now. Dr. Carr has had me on 5000 IUs of Vitamin D3 (10,000 in the winter months) for nearly 6 years, I have never had an ill effect for it and it most certainly contributed to curing my osteopenia. Secondly, Vitamin D affects more than just bone health.....it has been shown to positively affect mood (think seasonal affective disorder), and studies suggest it helps prevent some forms of cancers.

A new study detailed this morning on Yahoo News/HealthDay shows that there is a reduced risk of fractures among older people when the amount of Vitamin D taken is ABOVE 800 IUs daily. This is significant for all of us, because hip fractures and loss of mobility are one of the leading causes of death among the elderly, and loss of mobility certainly diminishes quality of life. I can speak with some authority on this, as my mother, who was seriously affected by osteoporosis (she lost 4 inches in height) fell and broke her upper arm, spent weeks in the hospital, never fully recovered and spent the last several years of her life as an invalid. Caring for her fell entirely on me as an only child, and it was utter hell. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I am absolutely determined not to follow in her footsteps......I work out nearly every day, take my supplements and hormones, and although I still struggle with healthy eating.....I try to do my best.

As always, discuss Vitamin D supplementation with your healthcare practitioner, but if he/she blows you off and refuses to test your Vitamin D levels......don't stand for it, insist on getting the blood test.