"Treat the disease, you win some, you lose some. Treat the patient, you always win."
~Patch Adams~

Sunday, January 20, 2013

10 Things I’ve Learned From Living With Chronic Illness

I debated about this post because nothing makes me crazier than people who constantly complain and whine about a chronic health condition.  I know it has shaped the way I deal with chronic back and hip pain from a long ago car accident, I have spoken about it before here on the blog (especially as it relates to how I burn through my hormones faster than a lot of people because my body is under constant physical stress.)  There are only a few people (both Dr. Carr and my pain management doctor, as well as a couple other important people in my life) who know the full impact the accident injuries have on my day to day living.  I've struggled (and continue to do so) to accept my physical limitations, I've come a long way, but still, 21 years post accident, sometimes get very angry and frustrated when I can't do something (or do it as well or as fast) as I want or need to.

I ran across this article from Rheumatoid Arthritis Guy from a Facebook post (one of my FB friends is a regular subscriber, I hadn't heard of him until today because I do not have RA).  It's a list of 10 things to be learned from living with a chronic illness (or injury).  Number five in particular can apply to those of you who are still struggling with menopausal symptoms and are seeking bioidentical hormone care.  The rest are ideas that in one way or another, we can all apply to our daily lives.  Enjoy, get out there and move, and have a great Sunday!