"Treat the disease, you win some, you lose some. Treat the patient, you always win."
~Patch Adams~

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Female Viagra scam

I ran across this article in TheMail.com (UK newspaper). Interesting reading, and all too common these days-----to expect and accept that a woman will lose her libido, it's "normal" and c'est la vie.......nothing should be done about it. It's "normal" for a woman to lose her hormones as she ages, but it's not optimal and it needs to be addressed (bioidentically, of course).

A second point to be made-----and I know I am largely preaching to the choir about this as most of my readers know the only way to get your hormones balanced is to consult with a doctor/healthcare provider who specializes in bioidenticals-----but these online places who claim to balance your hormones and direct you to places to buy estrogen (I've even heard of women who are using dog estrogen) or testosterone are TROUBLE. It's illegal to sell over the Internet like that, and hormone balance is not a hit or miss proposition. Don't do it. Ever.


  1. I think it is very normal for woman to lose her hormones as she ages, but it's not optimal and it needs to be addressed (bioidentically, of course). Therefore you have given a story of Female Viagra scam.

  2. Hi,
    You are right,but female viagra is best choice to treat it..
    buy lovegra
