"Treat the disease, you win some, you lose some. Treat the patient, you always win."
~Patch Adams~

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Insomnia costs U.S. $63 billion annually in lost productivity

I guess sleep (which is one of the most common issues women write to me about) is my topic of the week. Check out this article from CNN.com ---- the amount of lost work productivity from insomnia is staggering! I was not working outside the home when my peri/menopausal symptoms were at their worst, but I often wondered how I would have gotten through the day. There were many nights I didn't sleep more than about 3 hours, and that wasn't in a row. Chronic pain issues were part of the problem, but at least part of my sleep difficulties were hormone imbalances. My sleep still isn't perfect, but much better than it used to be-----I take melatonin and a supplement called Cortisol Manager (it can be purchased through Dr. Carr's office by clicking here).

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