"Treat the disease, you win some, you lose some. Treat the patient, you always win."
~Patch Adams~

Friday, June 8, 2012

Pocket Yoga

Hi everyone, will be back with a hormone post later on today or tomorrow (computer issues), but wanted to let you know that I just got a notice that the app POCKET YOGA (available for the iPhone and the iPad) is available free through Monday, June 11. A number of my readers have shared with me that they enjoy yoga as a form of exercise, and this app looks pretty good.......I just put it on my iPad and will try it out this weekend. Just go to the Apple app store, type in "Pocket Yoga" and it should come up.

Gorgeous weather here in NC, I've had the air conditioner off for 5 days, unheard of this time of year in the Southeast! Supposed to get hot over the weekend. Have a great weekend!