Tuesday, June 30, 2009
DEXA Testing----
Ovarian Transplants
Program Note!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Why women become LESS bitchy as they get older (and yes, it's to do with men)
Mail Online
Women become less bitchy as they get older, scientists claim.
They say those aged 50 and over are more likely to warm to other females because they no longer see them as rivals. Click here to read more...
Great site for men's hormones!
In Old Age, Friends Can Keep You Young. Really
Time Magazine
Going to the ballpark, visiting friends and playing bingo are simple diversions for many of us. But for the elderly, these social pastimes may play a critical role in preserving their physical and mental health. Click here for the rest of the article...
Note from Andrea: I know without a doubt that social interaction helps keep people healthy, I just got back from the YMCA and my water aerobics workout, and I love to see the group interacting with each other. It's been a great networking experience for those new to the area, and my water aerobics group meets once a month for a luncheon. Most of these ladies are old enough to be my mother (and then some) and are still leading active, vital lives. I tell them all the time I want to be them when I grow up!
What Is Menopause? What Are The Symptoms Of Menopause?
Editor's Choice Main Category: Menopause
The menopause marks the time in a woman's life when her menstruation stops and she is no longer fertile (able to become pregnant). In the UK the average age for the menopause is 52 (National Health Service), while in the USA it is 51 (National Institute of Aging). About one fifth of women in India experience menopause before the age of 41, a study found. The menopause is a normal part of like - it is a milestone, just like puberty - it is not a disease or a condition. Even though it is the time of the woman's last period symptoms may begin many years earlier. Some women may experience symptoms for months or years afterwards. Click here for the rest of the article...
Note from Andrea: I have the usual problems with this article---no differentiation between HRT with synthetic hormones and BHRT which is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, and the ever present recommendation of antidepressants for menopausal symptoms. The article, does, however, present a good overview of menopausal symptoms, and for that reason I am including it as a post this morning. Have a great day, everyone!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Fibrocystic breast lumps should not be ignored
June 27, 9:14 PM
Fibrocystic lumps are often found before your period, due to hormonal activity; fortunately, they also can sometimes go away on their own, for the same reasons. They can grow, become extremely painful, and can occur in great numbers in both breasts. Although many allopathic (conventional medicine) physicians say there is absolutely no chance of these cysts becoming malignant, others disagree. Some go as far as to say that, in 15 per cent of cases, fibrocystic lumps can, over a long time, become cancerous. No matter what type of lump may be found, however, the important thing is to get it checked out immediately. You can't afford to play Russian roulette with your health. Click here to continue reading...
Note from Andrea: This is an area where I have first hand knowledge. I had a terrible time with fibrocystic breast disease before I started BHRT--my breasts were painful, and so cystic I often worried that a cancerous lump would go undetected by exam, so I started having mammograms at 35. Within a month of starting my bioidentical hormones, the lumpiness in my breast pretty much disappeared and I have not had a problem since. I commented on the website that I thought the article did a poor job because there is a world of difference between bioidentical hormones and synthetic hormones. Take care, everyone, stay cool (hot here today in Charlotte), and enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Vitamin D Testing: What the Government Giveth, It Taketh Away
New Study to Research if Supplements of Vitamin D, Fish Oil Reduce Health Risks
With the volume of Vitamin D testing skyrocketing in clinical laboratories across the nation, leave it to government bureaucrats to work at counter purposes to each other. With one hand, the federal Medicare program is proposing to restrict coverage guidelines and reimbursement for Vitamin D testing to Medicare patients. With another hand, the federally-funded National Institutes of Health (NIH) is funding a large, multi-year study to assess the effect Vitamin D supplements and fish oil have in reducing health risks! Click here for the rest of the article...
Note from Andrea: leave it to the government to screw it up! I take Vitamin D every day and feel great!
Oprah’s “Crazy Talk” – Bioidentical Hormones – Helpful or Harmful? (Part 1)
Newsweek recently indulged in tabloid journalism, featuring Oprah on the cover with the headline: CRAZY TALK, Oprah, Wacky Cures, & You. The specific emphasis of the article was an attack on Suzanne Somers, Oprah, and bioidentical hormones. The Genie is out of the hormone bottle, consumers are confused, the medical profession is in its typical funk, and somewhere out there is the health-improving truth. Click here for the rest of the article (and to reach the link for part 2 of this article)....
Note from Andrea: Good articles, easy to understand and lots of information----highly recommend this one!
Friday, June 26, 2009
That Little Voice Inside Your Twinge
Published: June 24, 2009
A COLLEAGUE of mine at The Times who is a triathlete had a question: Everyone tells you to listen to your body, but what are you supposed to listen to? Click here for the rest of the article...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Well, Well, Well: Really crazy talk
Connie Howard / health@vueweekly.com
A recent Newsweek piece titled "Crazy Talk" missed the mark of balanced and credible reporting to become a condescending attack on the credibility of Oprah Winfrey, some guests she hosted earlier this year, and alternative medicine in general. Derogatorily describing the show with Suzanne Somers as "a perfect hour of tabloid television," the writers produced something that might have been a public relations piece written by the pharmaceutical industry, which is probably not all that far from reality. Click here for the rest of the article...
The American Medical Association (AMA) Needs a Vocabulary Lesson on Hormone Replacement, Says BHRT Expert
Jacksonville, FL (Vocus/PRWEB ) June 24, 2009 --
The American Medical Association's recent statement that scant medical evidence exists to support bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is dead wrong, says C.W. Randolph, Jr., M.D. R.Ph., board certified gynecologist and Medical Director of the Natural Hormone Institute. "The AMA's position on hormones is disturbing and disappointing but not necessarily surprising," says Randolph. "Unfortunately, most physicians across the country were not educated in medical school regarding the safety and efficacy of bioidentical hormone replacement and, as a result, they remain unaware of the medical studies from such respected medical research centers as Vanderbilt Medical University and Harvard Medical School - and across the globe - validating the safety and efficacy of this approach to hormone replacement."
Delegates to the association's annual meeting in Chicago voted to adopt a new policy regarding the use of hormones in anti-aging procedures. The medical group reviewed human growth hormone, testosterone, and estrogens with and without progestins. "In some cases, evidence suggests that long-term use of a particular hormone has more risks than benefits," the group said in a release. The AMA also said, incorrectly according to Dr. Randolph, that there is no credible evidence that bioidentical hormones are safer than traditional estrogen and progesterone products.
"I was dismayed that the AMA confused synthetic progestin with bioidentical progesterone. The difference is enormous. When a pregnant woman is at risk of not carrying her baby to term, doctors routinely prescribe bioidentical progesterone to support the pregnancy. That is because bioidentical progesterone has exactly the same molecular structure as the progesterone that would be produced by the ovaries. If, however, a physician were to give that same pregnant woman synthetic progestin, the woman would most likely abort or - if she did carry her baby to term - odds are it would be born with fetal abnormalities. Why? Because synthetic progestin has a molecular structure that is significantly different from the progesterone produced by the body. When introduced into the human system, it triggers side effects at the cellular hormone receptor level," says Randolph. "Furthermore, when the AMA counsels against long-term hormone use, they don't point out that there are very well-defined, heavily documented risks regarding the long-term use of SYNTHETIC hormones, but no identifiable risk with using bio-identical hormone replacement over the long term."
Multiple clinical studies have linked long-term use of synthetic hormones to an increased risk of heart disease, cancer, and other health problems. "However, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has been used for decades both in Europe and here in the U.S. with virtually no documented side effects," says Randolph. "Multiple clinical studies have confirmed that BHRT is safe and effective. It's time the AMA commissioned a head-to-head clinical study comparing the safety and effectiveness of synthetic hormone replacement versus bioidentical hormone therapy."
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Stay Upbeat, Active to Keep the Mind Young
WEDNESDAY, June 24 (HealthDay News) -- To stave off the mental decline associated with old age, engage in intellectually challenging activities, maintain a positive outlook and keep up your social life.
Those are the findings of what researchers say is the largest-ever review of studies on aging and the brain. Click here for the rest of this article...
Major Study To Examine Benefits Of Vitamin D, Fish Oil
For years, vitamin D and fish oil have been two of the most popular over-the-counter dietary supplements in U.S. Now, an extensive, government-funded study will test the benefits of both in the prevention of cancer, heart disease and strokes to determine whether they will get the official thumbs up.
What’s more, the study is one of but a small handful of health experiments to ever look into the ethnic-specific effects of nutrients on the human body. Click here for the rest of the article...
Emory furthers progesterone study
Emory University has launched the third phase of a study -- that could potentially draw $28.5 million in federal funding -- to evaluate the effectiveness of the hormone progesterone on acute traumatic-brain-injured patients. Click here for the rest of the article...
Note from Andrea: In case you think "this doesn't affect me", read the part of the article where it says every 15 seconds a US citizen suffers a traumatic brain injury. That's a little scary.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The Doctors TV Show
Couples' Treatment For Sexual Problems On The Agenda For Sexual Medicine Experts
Couples' Treatment For Sexual Problems On The Agenda For Sexual Medicine Experts
ScienceDaily (June 22, 2009) — Couples' treatment for sexual problems and other innovative approaches to improving sexual health for men and women are on the agenda of sexual medicine experts.
"This is a fun time to be involved in this," says Dr. Ronald Lewis, impotence expert, chief of the Section of Urology at the Medical College of Georgia School of Medicine and newly elected president-elect of the 300-member Sexual Medicine Society of North America. Click here for the rest of the article...
Monday, June 22, 2009
Oprah Winfrey Show and BHRT
I hope that Oprah, Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz (his show starts in September) will devote additional shows to the subject of menopause and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Ideally, the shows would not portray BHRT as something only wealthy women can afford. The shows need to discuss the financial aspect of BHRT (doctors cost and the cost of the hormones themselves), why so many of the good BHRT doctors will not take insurance, and most importantly, HOW TO FIND A DOCTOR OR COMPOUNDING PHARMACY in your area. I cannot tell you how many women I have sent my list of resources to because the shows left them with the impression that the only BHRT doctors are all in California, and more specifically at the Hall Center. Not true! I also know that many women who are either pre-menopausal and very post menopausal think that BHRT is not for them.....again, not true, a woman's hormones can be way off at any stage of her life.
Your assignment this week, ladies, is to drop an email to the Oprah Winfrey Show and let them know you want to see more shows dedicated to this crucial health issue. You will be limited to 2000 characters, which is tough to do, but it can be done. A copy of my email to the show is below, no, it is not my best piece of writing by a long shot, but I think I got my point across! Oh, before I forget, here is the link to send a message to the Dr. Phil Show also. There is no website yet for the Dr. Oz Show, but I will also share that link as soon as it comes up. Have a great week, everyone!
Message to Oprah Winfrey Show:
Do another show on BHRT, and this time address issues like cost, how to find a compounding pharmacy and/or doctor, insurance coverage (and why doctors won't take insurance in many instances), and feature doctors who specialize in BHRT instead of Suzanne Somers and Robin McGraw. There ARE other places than the Hall Center in LA. The last two shows were poorly done and created more questions and confusion than answers---I have tried to help as many people as I could on your message boards who had REAL, LEGITIMATE questions that the show did not answer. This is too important an issue--please do a better job next time.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
From North of the Border
Updated Sun. Jun. 21 2009 6:58 AM ET
By Angela Mulholland, CTV.ca News
Oprah takes them. So does Dr. Phil's wife, Robin McGraw. Suzanne Somers rubs them into her skin and injects them into places where the sun don't shine.
They're called bio-identicals and many say they just might be the fountain of youth.
Bio-identicals are being touted as the answer for women who want to relieve their menopause symptoms, reverse aging and even prevent heart disease and cancer. Click here for the rest of the story...
Another "slam" at BHRT
While I am not a fan of Suzanne Somers (I think her version of BHRT protocol is over the top) I take bioidentical hormone replacement therapy ---- and it has drastically improved the quality of my life. I'm off seven medications, down 80 pounds from my high weight, and have more energy now than I did at 30 (I'm 51). Progesterone cream cured my seasonal allergies, acid reflux, and restless leg syndrome in less than a week. My ADD is controlled to the point of no longer needing Ritalin or other stimulant. If the author thinks few doctors are prescribing Premarin or Provera for menopausal symptoms (and to get the patient quickly out of their office) I'm sorry, but I get emails every single week from women who have been prescribed these drugs---and most are looking for an alternative. Please check out my blog at http://holyhormones.blogspot.com for more information on BHRT and related women's health issues.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The Forgotten Hormone; Weight Gain, Loss of Libido, Osteoporosis, Ovarian Cysts and more
Estrogen dominance is one of the main causes of osteoporosis, cancer, ovarian cysts, fibroids and a host of other female problems in the U.S. Yet, we persist in prescribing synthetic hormone therapy to women, knowing full well there are better ways to deal with the problem of estrogen dominance. And it isn't limited to women alone. We have the mindset (mostly in the U.S.) that declining estrogen is the hallmark of menopause. It is actually common for women to experience surges of abnormally high estrogen levels during the menopausal and pre-menopausal periods as well as earlier in life. Click here for more information...
Friday, June 19, 2009
Fighting "Brain Fog": How the Right Hormones Can Improve Mental Sharpness for Women
C.W. Randolph, M.D. Medical Director of the Natural Hormone Institute
Dr. C.W. Randolph On New Study Confirming Menopause Causes Memory Lapses, Foggy Thinking-
Simple annoyances like misplacing the car keys. Embarassing lapses in memory at work. Trouble keeping the kids' schedules straight. For millions of women in their 40s and 50s, age-related hormone level decline that can start a decade or more before menopause means more than hot flashes, weight gain and vaginal dryness. It can also cause a disturbing "brain fog" that can lead to everything from embarrassment in social situations to negative consequences on the job.
New research published in the journal Neurology confirms that women do in fact start to lose mental sharpness during "peri-menopause" - the five-to-six year period leading up to a woman's last menstrual cycle. University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) researchers studied more than 2,000 women aged 42 to 52, testing them on cognitive skills such as verbal memory, working memory and processing speed. The results? Women who took hormones before the official onset of menopause improved cognitive performance, but after menopause, hormone replacement actually had a detrimental effect.
C.W. Randolph, Jr., M.D., board certified gynecologist and Medical Director of the Natural Hormone Institute, says the study results prove that both the type and the timing of hormone replacement is critical. "Women need to be aware that synthetic hormone replacement therapies, such as the popularly prescribed Premarin and Prempro, have been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. It is not surprising to me that women in this study who took synthetic hormones experienced a detrimental memory effect over time. In contrast, medically-proven safe and effective bioidentical hormones - those hormones that are exactly the same as the hormones produced by the ovary- have been shown to have promote mental acuity over the short and long term. In fact, recent clinical studies have shown that bioidentical progesterone helps repair the central nervous system (CNS)."
As for timing, "Hormone levels for women in their 40s are very different than women in their 50s," says Dr. Randolph. "For example, most women aged 40 to 50 are actually estrogen dominant and benefit greatly from taking bioidentical progesterone. After menopause begins, hormone levels shift again, and bioidentical estrogen replacement is also needed."
Randolph, co-author of the bestselling book From Hormone Hell to Hormone Well, says many women experiencing memory fog during these years are able to safely and effectively eliminate forgetfulness and mental confusion simply by using an over-the-counter progesterone cream. Even after the body's level of estrogen has dropped so that periods stop and estrogen replacement is also needed, no woman should ever take or use any form of estrogen -even bioidentical- without also using bioidentical progesterone. "Too much estrogen in the body causes cerebral edema (in essence water retention in the brain)," says Randolph. "Bioidentical progesterone counters this effect. In addition to 'finding your brain again', the added benefits are improved energy, increased libido, elimination of hot flashes and night sweats and an easier time losing those pounds stuck around the abdomen."
The new findings on women's mental acuity were garnered from the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN), which is based at seven sites throughout the United States and funded by the National Institute on Aging.
Testosterone Replacement for Men with Low Testosterone Improves Liver Function, Metabolic Syndrome
Testosterone deficiency, which becomes more common with age, is linked not only to decreased libido but also to a number of medical problems. These include the metabolic syndrome—a cluster of metabolic risk factors that increase the chances of developing heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, also called a fatty liver, commonly co-occurs with the metabolic syndrome and may aggravate the metabolic problems. To receive a diagnosis of the metabolic syndrome, patients must have three of the following five risk factors: abdominal obesity (a large waist line), low HDL (“good”) cholesterol, high triglycerides (fats in the blood), high blood pressure and high blood sugar. Click here for the rest of the article...
Is lack of vitamin D linked to swine flu?
There could be a simple reason
Melanie Reid
It was all very predictable, I suppose, that when the first UK death from someone suffering from swine flu came, it did not come from St Ives or St Andrews. Jacqueline Fleming lived on a rundown council estate in Glasgow; she came from the other Scotland, the bleak one we garland with jokes and statistics but ultimately prefer to ignore. Click here for the rest of the article...
Note from Andrea: This article from Europe intriged me, it's interesting to think how getting the majority of this country on adequate doses of Vitamin D could affect the overall flu and illness rate in the winter months. Just something to think about.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
51 is fabulous!
And of course, can't forget the progesterone cream (heaven forbid!):
Eeyore and BB (Panda) are making a group effort out of making my morning protein shake:
L'Eeyore (short for Little Eeyore) is very curious, wanted to know if the blender was an amusement park ride for donkeys:
And BB noticed my bottle of fish oils, and wanted to know if they would help make her coat more shiny:
I will have to do an Internet search on "fish oil and panda coats" to let her know the most up to the minute research on that important subject.
I may or may not post a "real" article today, depends on where the day takes me! I am headed out to the gym later this morning (no better way to celebrate another year by working out!) and then tonight I am going to dinner with friends and yes, I am going to eat whatever I want!!!! I hope you all are having a good, happy, safe day, and I promise, by tomorrow I will be back to sharing articles on BHRT and related issues! Andrea
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Blood-Sugar Spikes Send Testosterone Levels Down
Possible Link Between Vitamin D Deficiency, Alzheimer's Disease And Vascular Dementia
There are several risk factors for the development of Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. Based on an increasing number of studies linking these risk factors with Vitamin D deficiency, an article in the current issue of the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease (May 2009) by William B. Grant, PhD of the Sunlight, Nutrition, and Health Research Center (SUNARC) suggests that further investigation of possible direct or indirect linkages between Vitamin D and these dementias is needed. Click here for more....
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Important if you are using Zicam spray!
Study: Regular exercise best way to ease lower back pain
Posted: Tuesday, Jun. 16, 2009
More is better when it comes to alleviating lower back pain – more exercise, that is.
Although many who suffer from back pain fear exercise will make it worse , a study presented recently to the American College of Sports Medicine found that exercising four days a week gave people greater relief from back pain than working out fewer times a week or not at all.
In the study, 120 people were randomly assigned to one of four groups for 12 weeks, with the groups doing strength training two, three, four days per week (the fourth group did no exercise).
Those in the four-day-a-week program had 28 percent reduction in pain compared with 14 percent for those who exercised two days a week. The four-day group reported better quality of life and less disability.
Note from Andrea: a little off topic, but VERY important! I am absolutely living proof that regular exercise helps with back injuries, some days I'd rather lay on the couch (and knit) but I work out 6 days a week. The difference in the strength of my back is remarkable (and the testosterone cream I take has really helped strengthen the muscles in my back, so the two go hand in hand.)
AMA adopts new policy against anti-aging hormones
CHICAGO -- The American Medical Association says there's no scientific proof to back up claims of anti-aging hormones. Click here for more...
Note from Andrea: I do not make the news, just report it! I'm including this in the blog so that you will be aware that many doctors are reluctant to even discuss BHRT with their patients, and that you may have to do some research to find a doctor amenable to this protocol. Let's hope the AMA becomes a little more open minded in the next few years.
Could vitamin D be a key to successful dieting?
1:37 PM, June 15, 2009
Another potential piece to the weight loss puzzle was unveiled recently when researchers discovered there may be a link between vitamin D levels and shedding pounds. Click here for the rest of the story...
Monday, June 15, 2009
TV Show Alert!
Estrogens Do Not Protect Against Cardiovascular Death For TranssexualsMain
Long-term estrogen use does not protect male-to-female transsexuals from death due to cardiovascular disease but does not appear to raise their overall death rate, a new study found. The results were presented at The Endocrine Society's 91st Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. Click here for more information...
Vitamin D can protect against many diseases
POSTED: 01:30 a.m. HST, Jun 15, 2009
Vitamin D is one of the hottest "vitamins of this decade." Tremendous growth in research on vitamin D has led to increased understanding of vitamin D's importance to health. Research is finding that many health problems are linked to low levels of this nutrient which functions more like a hormone than a vitamin. Click here for more...
Note from Andrea: I take 5000IU's daily, and be sure you are taking Vitamin D3 as it has a better rate of absorption.
Do Ask, Do Tell
Posted in hormones, menopause, vaginal dryness, women's health
By Liz Neporent--Third Age
Menopause is so out of the closet, women discuss hot flashes and mood swings over five o’clock cocktails with nary a blush. But as a new survey shows, some menopausal symptoms still remain taboo.
Nearly 25 percent of the menopausal and postmenopausal women questioned by researchers as part of an initiative known as REVEAL (REvealing Vaginal Effects At mid-Life) admitted to experiencing vaginal dryness and pain, especially during intercourse, yet only about half of them worked up the nerve to broach the subject with their doctors or other health care provider. Click here for the rest of the article...
Note from Andrea: I am not advocating the use of Premarin cream, but this article reminds us that we need to TALK to our doctors----trust me, they've heard it all before and you are not going to shock them. I use a little estriol cream (bioidentical) and it works great for dryness, and it's inexpensive too!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Dr. Erika and BHRT
Testosterone Decreases after Ingestion of Sugar (Glucose)
“Both the incidence of low testosterone, or hypogonadism, in men and the annual number of testosterone prescriptions are increasing, likely as a result of the obesity epidemic and our aging population,” said study co-author Frances Hayes, MD, an endocrinologist at St. Vincent’s University Hospital in Dublin, Ireland, who did the research at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. “The decision to prescribe testosterone therapy is based on the result of a blood sample, so obtaining an accurate measurement of testosterone is key to making a correct diagnosis of hypogonadism.” Click here for more...
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Your Sexual Health After Menopause, Ask Anything
What questions should I ask my doctor about sexual health after menopause?
Anything and everything. Click here for the rest of this article...
Friday, June 12, 2009
8 Myths About Health Care Reform
And why we can't afford to believe them anymore
Americans spend more on health care every year than we do educating our children, building roads, even feeding ourselves—an estimated $2.6 trillion in 2009, or around $8,300 per person. Forty-five million Americans have no health insurance whatsoever. These staggering figures are at the heart of the current debate over health care reform: the need to control costs while providing coverage for all. As John Lumpkin, M.D., M.P.H., director of the Health Care Group for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, says, "There is enough evidence that it is now time to do something and to do the right thing." The key is to focus on the facts—and to dispel, once and for all, the myths that block our progress. Click here for the rest of the article...
Drug Maker Said to Pay Ghostwriters for
Wyeth, the pharmaceutical company, paid ghostwriters to produce medical journal
articles favorable to its female hormone replacement therapy Prempro, according to
Congressional letters seeking more information about the company’s involvement in
medical ghostwriting. At least one article was published even after a federal study found
the drug raised the risk of breast cancer.
The letters, sent electronically Friday by Senator Charles E. Grassley, ask Wyeth and
DesignWrite, a medical writing firm, to disclose payments related to the preparation of
journal articles and the activities of doctors who were recruited to put their names on
them for publication. Click here for the rest of the article....
Why the Medical Industry Is Lashing Out at Oprah Winfrey
Having squandered its public credibility, the medical establishment's attacks on Oprah's alternative medicine crusade look like pure cynicism.
A recent cover story in a struggling news magazine, under the title "Crazy Talk:" accuses Oprah Winfrey of spreading "dubious advice" in a wide range of health issues from menopause and hormone replacement therapy to autism, cancer, aging, and weight loss. The tone of the article was the same tiresome blend of gotcha journalism and selective fact-reporting that fills tabloid coffers. Click here for more of this article...
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Vitamin D has a long list of benefits
By David Templeton, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
All these years, you thought it was just another vitamin.
Used to treat rickets nearly a century ago, vitamin D has seen its stock rise in recent years with waves of research suggesting it's an indispensable dietary dynamism whose daily dose delivers dramatic results.Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/09154/974511-114.stm?cmpid=healthscience.xml#ixzz0I8gPYuFV&C
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Is REAL Medical Science, Not Entertainment Medicine
Newsweek might have better served its readership by offering women access to the leading medical experts and scientific studies on both sides of this issue, according to C.W. Randolph, Jr., M.D., Medical Director of the Natural Hormone Institute. "Choices regarding hormone replacement can be a life or death decision. To make informed decisions, women need solid, scientific facts, medical research and clinical studies - along with honest and open debate about the pluses and minuses of each option," he says.
Menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, weight gain, low libido, memory loss or brain fog, affect an estimated 45.6 menopausal women in the United States. "And these women are not interested in suffering through 'The Change' only to become increasingly fat, sexless and senile," contends Randolph. "They are demanding that the medical community come up with safe, effective options for symptom relief and treatment."
Multiple medical studies have linked traditionally prescribed synthetic hormone replacement therapies, such as the still-popularly prescribed Premarin and Prempro, to significant and sometimes lethal health risks such as breast and uterine cancers, heart attack, stroke, lung cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Meanwhile, recent medical research and multiple clinical studies published in this country and, also, internationally, validate the safety and efficacy of bioidentical hormone replacement therapies. So why is BHRT not more widely recognized as the menopausal treatment of choice?
"It's a matter of money and marketing," says Dr. Randolph. "Unlike the pharmaceutical giants with large sales forces, when a study about BHRT is published by a physician at an academic medical research center, such as Joel Hargrove, M.D. at Vanderbilt University Medical School, or Abraham Morgentaler, M.D. at Harvard Medical School, there is no sales force waiting to take that study to physicians' offices. Doctors -like myself -who have developed an expertise in bioidentical hormones have had to seek out education and cull through the science and research mostly on our own. When marketing gets ahead of medical science, lives can be put at risk."
Randolph challenges publications like Newsweek to interview the top medical experts on both sides of this issue and compare the scientific data. "Even better," he says, "Newsweek should raise its voice - along with its millions of possibly hot and irritated menopausal readers- to demand that the National Institutes of Health fund a head-to-head clinical study comparing synthetic hormones to bioidentical hormones. I am confident the results would validate what my patients have experienced for years - BHRT is a safe and effective godsend for menopausal women."
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
PEOPLE'S PHARMACY: Supplements stopped sneezing
Can vitamin D and turmeric in combination have an impact on allergy and asthma? I suffer from both allergies and asthma, and I am usually miserable in the spring. Click here for answer...
Note from Andrea: This particularly interests me, as I had pretty severe seasonal allergies until I started progesterone cream (and I started it right around the time my allergies would have been flaring up---September in NC). Since being on the BHRT, I've not taken and Claratin, Allegra, whatever, have NO problems with allergies (and that's saying something in NC, Charlotte is the third or fifth worst allergy city in the US, depending on which list you reference), I have not had a sinus infection (used to get at least 1-2 per winter) and in three years have had only one light cold. I know for me it's the progesterone, since I didn't start the Vitamin D therapy until about six weeks later.
Back to hormones
Carol Simontachhi
We have spent some time in past columns reviewing Dr. John Lee's work on natural progesterone cream. But this week let's finish that discussion. What brought me to this subject is that I recently listened to a CD by Dr. Lee that encapsulated his 40-year clinical experience with natural hormone therapies. I am continually blown away by the strength of the science behind this essential hormone. Click here for more...
What Causes Irritability In Menopause?
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The secret to the super memory club
By Benedict CareyNew York Times
Posted: Monday, Jun. 08, 2009
The ladies in the card room are playing bridge, and, at their age, the game is no hobby. It is a way of life, a daily comfort, challenge and communal campfire.
“We play for blood,” says Ruth Cummins, 92, before taking a sip of Red Bull at a recent game. Click here to read the rest of the article...
Alzheimer's Association: www.alz.org.
Note from Andrea: The husband of one of my friends was recently diagnosed with dementia, and so my interest in this subject is even more acute now than it ever was. I am heartened by the fact that my mother, who passed away in 1998 at 78 had a better memory than me until the morning she passed! OK, I get it, keep the mind active, be social----now, can I start taking off the costs of my knitting supplies, mileage to my knitting groups, my beading supplies and lunches with my friends as medical expenses??????
Acupuncture not helpful for menopausal hot flushes
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Acupuncture may not help relieve hot flushes in women undergoing menopause, a review of past studies involving the practice has shown.
In a paper published in the journal Climacteric, researchers in South Korea and Britain said they trawled though medical literature exploring the efficacy of acupuncture in relieving hot flushes but evidence was scarce. Click here for more information...
Vitamin D could prevent breast cancer
A vitamin usually associated with bone health could also help prevent breast cancer, according to new University of Cincinnati research. Click here to read the rest of the article...
Note from Andrea---Obviously this is in its beginning stages of research, but my guess is we are going to find out a lot in the next 1o years about Vitamin D can help us lead healthier lives. Enjoy your day, everyone!
IVillage Resources to Learn More About Vitamin D
Monday, June 8, 2009
'Hormones are raging' as alligators multiply in lowcountry
HILTON HEAD -- As alligator mating season blooms, an ever increasing number of the reptiles is ending up on front porches, in swimming pools and in backyards of Beaufort County homes.
More than 11 alligators have been captured in the county since Friday afternoon, Critter Management owner Joe Maffo said Sunday evening, including a 10-foot female found Saturday night wandering around a Hilton Head Island retirement community. Two Hilton Head gators were captured Sunday afternoon. Both were relatively small, Maffo said.
"Their hormones are raging right now," Maffo said. "They're really coming out like I've never seen before." Click here to read the rest of the article...
Note from Andrea----Yes, I am being silly tonight, but when I saw this article pop on one of my local news services (I live about 35 miles north of the SC State line)---I had to share it. I think we need to get those poor alligators some BHFA---bioidentical hormones for alligators!
Anti Aging Foods
Eating the right foods can not only help you look younger, feel younger but can lengthen your life! Defeating the aging process is really not that hard by using good sense and can be obtained through making the right, healthier food choices. Here is some practical information to help you to acquire a balance diet for anti-aging. Click here for more information...
Nature's Pill
Published: Today
From The Sun---British Newspaper
THE first "natural" Pill is launched - promising to reduce side effects linked to the original.
It could cut headaches, mood swings and the higher risk of blood clots that put many women off the birth control tablets. Click here to read more...
Alternative Medicine Goes Mainstream
POSTED: 10:40 am MDT June 7, 2009
UPDATED: 5:02 pm MDT June 7, 2009
BALTIMORE -- At one of the nation's top trauma hospitals, a nurse circles a patient's bed, humming and waving her arms as if shooing evil spirits. Another woman rubs a quartz bowl with a wand, making tunes that mix with the beeping monitors and hissing respirator keeping the man alive.
They are doing Reiki therapy, which claims to heal through invisible energy fields. The anesthesia chief, Dr. Richard Dutton, calls it "mystical mumbo jumbo." Still, he's a fan.
"It's self-hypnosis" that can help patients relax, he said. "If you tell yourself you have less pain, you actually do have less pain." Click here for the rest of the article...
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Who does Oprah go to for women's health advice?
One of Oprah's favorite resources for women's health is Dr. Christiane Northrup, a gynecologist with bizarre ideas about health and disease. On the air, she has disputed the connection between HPV and cervical cancer, an uncontroversial scientific fact. Her un-belief in an important scientific fact is disturbing, but if you dig around her published writing a bit, it's even scarier. This doctor is to women's health what Dick Cheney is to human rights.
Northrup on fibroids
Uterine leiomyomas, better known as fibroid tumors, are common, non-cancerous tumors of the uterus. They can be completely asymptomatic, or can cause significant pain, bleeding, and fertility problems. These tumors are fed by hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, and manipulation of these hormones can sometimes help with symptoms. That's the facts. In Northrup's world, things are a bit different. If her writing makes you feel a bit like Alice, you're not alone. It starts with some normal ideas, such as the anatomy of fibroids, etc., but as soon as she starts to talk about cause, we are well down the rabbit hole. Click here for the rest of this post...
Note from Andrea: This doctor is obviously not a fan of bioidentical hormones. I include his article on the blog for two reasons: to remind women of the challenges we face when trying to get proper hormone balance (I wish I could tell you this is one of the few doctors who does not believe in BHRT, but you all know better), and that while Dr. Northrup has a huge following, a lot of women have issues with some of her views. Nothing in the bioidentical hormone replacement world (or any world for that matter!) is all good/bad, right/wrong, there is a huge amount of gray area. Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone!
Losing Weight After Menopause
Q: Why do our metabolisms give in after menopause? Why do we have to work so hard to lose weight at this stage? What's going on with our bodies? And do you have medical suggestions for dealing with this? Diets don't work for me. Click here to read answer...
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Could you be in Perimenopause?
Friday, June 5, 2009
Increasing Your Sex Drive as You Age
Oprah Winfrey Responds to Report She Gives Dangerous Medical Advice
CelebNews@Usmagazine.com! - Oprah Winfrey Responds to Report She Gives Dangerous Medical Advice ShareThisOprah Winfrey is speaking out about Newsweek's latest cover story which claims that she abuses her influence and credibility by promoting health "cures" that are ineffective and dangerous. Click here to finish the article...
I'm trying to post a comment to the article in the appropriate section, but the system on the US Weekley website keeps going down.....
Thursday, June 4, 2009
(Canadian) Users of Premarin drug stunned by price hike
Women who take the hormone replacement therapy drug Premarin are getting a big case of sticker shock when they renew their prescriptions these days.
That's because as of April 1, a month's supply of the medication has risen an astonishing 800 per cent, from about 14 cents a pill to about $1.24 a pill.
The price hike isn't due to any changes in the drug's formulation or packaging; it's simply a matter of supply and demand, says its manufacturer, Wyeth Canada. Click here to read the rest of the article...
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Live Your Best Life Ever!
By Weston Kosova and Pat Wingert
Published May 30, 2009
From the magazine issue dated Jun 8, 2009
In January, Oprah Winfrey invited Suzanne Somers on her show to share her unusual secrets to staying young. Each morning, the 62-year-old actress and self-help author rubs a potent estrogen cream into the skin on her arm. She smears progesterone on her other arm two weeks a month. And once a day, she uses a syringe to inject estrogen directly into her vagina. The idea is to use these unregulated "bio-identical" hormones to restore her levels back to what they were when she was in her 30s, thus fooling her body into thinking she's a younger woman. According to Somers, the hormones, which are synthesized from plants instead of the usual mare's urine (disgusting but true), are all natural and, unlike conventional hormones, virtually risk-free (not even close to true, but we'll get to that in a minute). Click here to read the rest of the story....
This story is getting a HUGE amount of media attention, and as I write this post on Wednesday evening, I am watching Steven Colbert dedicate most of his show's first segment to the story (in a satirical way, of course, and full disclosure, I am a big Colbert fan!), including a clip of Oprah's BHRT show with Suzanne Somers talking about injecting estrogen into her vagina daily. The story is generating a lot of controversy........this is not the way we want publicity for BHRT, but it is what it is. I'd be interested in your comments about the story, I am going to try and get a discussion started over on the Oprah.com website (that should be interesting). Leave me a comment!
MEDICALLY SPEAKING: Minimally invasive procedure can shrink uterine fibroids
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
3:14 AM CDT
Uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumors diagnosed in premenopausal women. The National Institutes of Health estimates that as many as 75 percent of American women of childbearing age may have at least one fibroid tumor. While these masses of tissue that form on the uterine walls are not life-threatening, they can cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms. Read the rest of the article...
My Brief Life as a Woman
As my wife and I sat on the couch one night this past winter, reading and half-watching the inevitable HGTV, I started sweating hard and my face got so fevered and flushed that I felt as if I were peering into an oven.
I turned to Deb and said, “Man, I’m having a wicked hot flash.” And she said, “Me, too.” Then we laughed. You laugh a lot — unless your hormones are making you cry — when you’re having menopause with your wife. Click here to read the rest of the article....
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Should patients post reviews of doctors?
Karen Garloch writes on Health for The Charlotte Observer. Her column appears each Monday.
E-mail Karen Garloch (704) 358-5078
Angie's List was started 14 years ago to provide consumers with a list of home contractors and reviews by people who had used their services.
Just over a year ago, the Indianapolis-based company expanded to include reviews of doctors and other health-care professionals, an addition that co-founder Angie Hicks says has been very popular with subscribers.
Hicks, who visited Charlotte last week, said the number of health-care categories on the list has tripled to 150, and about a quarter of the postings are now related to health care. Read the rest of the story by clicking here...
I'm curious to know what you alll think of this---------I have posted positive reviews of both of my physicians, Dr. Carr (hormonal care) and Dr. Hines (pain management physician in Huntersville). While the temptation is great to post nasty reviews of a few physicians/health care providers I have had in the past, it's not something I would do. I would, however, post that I was very unhappy with a physician's care and that I wouldn't return to his/her office. I also would not sign a waiver/gag order as described in the article.
One of my favourite quotes---
- Henry David Thoreau
Some Women Turn To Hormones
UPDATED: 12:55 pm CDT May 20, 2009
SAN ANTONIO -- Many medical doctors don't like them. Pharmaceutical companies don't like them and the Food and Drug Administration doesn't approve them.
So with that much opposition to bioidentical hormones, it's a wonder anyone would ever use them, but they do, and some women swear by them.
Five months since starting bioidentical hormone therapy, Penny Phillips said she is 45 pounds lighter, happier, and weaning off the antidepressants she's been taking for decades. Click here to read the rest of the story... (including my comment in the comments section!)
This story is from a San Antonio, TX television station. There is also a short video to watch. I'm sharing with my blog readers to increase awareness of how divided the medical community is about BHRT.....some doctors are advocates and routinely use it in their practices, some think it "might be ok" but have no idea how to prescribe it, and some will laugh patients right out of their offices and think it's just a scam. Makes it tough for those of us who need it to get proper care. It is getting (slowly) better, I feel like we've come a distance in the three years I've been on it, but there is a long, long way to go to educate women and their doctors (it's sort of the can you teach an old dog new tricks!) Have a great day, everyone, it's going to be hot here in Charlotte, NC---92 degrees! I hope everyone is enjoying this lovely month!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Vitamin D may help prevent knee osteoarthritis
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Low levels of vitamin D are associated with the loss of cartilage in the knee joint of older individuals, researchers in Australia report.
"Cartilage loss is the hallmark of osteoarthritis," Dr. Changhai Ding told Reuters Health. By the time patients reach the point of needing knee replacement, 60 percent of cartilage has been lost, he said. To read the rest of the article, click here...