"Treat the disease, you win some, you lose some. Treat the patient, you always win."
~Patch Adams~

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Resolve to make your menopausal health a priority

First of all, today is a good day. One of my friends had a health scare, but she got great news today---no cancer. Whew. Double whew!

The title of today's article from KPVINews.com caught my eye ---- Resolve to make your menopausal health a priority. Normally I do not make resolutions because when I don't keep them I feel like a failure, but I believe every woman who is not already doing so should resolve/promise themselves that they are going to take care of their peri/menopausal health in 2011. Many of you already are (pats on the back to you!). Some ideas for making menopausal health a priority:

  • Learn all you can about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy so that you can discuss it with your doctor intelligently (and I am willing to bet that some of you could actually educate your doctor about bioidentical hormones, way too many doctors still don't know much about it!)
  • Make a list of questions to take with you to your next office visit. I even do this when I have a phone consult with Dr. Carr---I email him the list of questions ahead of time, then we can go over the answers and I can take notes.
  • Understand that no question is too embarassing to talk to your doctor about, and if you find it embarassing and/or uncomfortable (or he or she does!), think about finding another doctor!


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