"Treat the disease, you win some, you lose some. Treat the patient, you always win."
~Patch Adams~

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bright Ideas for Treating the Winter Blues

One of the many reasons I moved from Upstate NY to North Carolina was the severity of the winters in NY---I truly suffered from SAD (seasonal affective disorder). There were times when I wasn't able to get out of the house for 3-5 days a time, and I finally made the decision that I was not going to spend the rest of my life that way. As I write this, my NY friends are suffering the effects of the nasty winter storm hitting the Northeast-----I do not miss it at all. It was serendipidous that this article on seasonal affective disorder and its treatments (I still have my SAD light, but don't use it anymore as we get far more sunlight in NC than in NY in December, January and February) came across my newsfeed this morning----it's from the Wall Street Journal----click here to read it.

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