"Treat the disease, you win some, you lose some. Treat the patient, you always win."
~Patch Adams~

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How to Get Bioidentical Hormones

This morning's article is from ehow----a site I have used for other things, but not anything hormonally related. You learn something new every day! A couple of points:

Bullet point #1 says to educate yourself, and I couldn't agree more!!! Read up on BHRT, including books (written by health care professionals) websites, articles, etc. Yes, you are going to find a lot of conflicting information out there, because BHRT is still in its infancy in the US, but you need to be an informed patient so you and your doctor and your compounding pharmacy can work together.

The article does not mention anything about checking out any new physician, and my regular blog readers know I am a huge advocate of research, research, research. Every state in the country has a medical board (there's a link on the right side of the blog page to access your state's medical board site) and also check to see if your physician is board certified (I use the ABMS.ORG site for this---link on the side of the blog page too.)

The weather here in Charlotte is sunny, cool and crisp----smells like autumn! Great day to go for a walk later this afternoon, I've already been to work out today (circuit training today, good thing I love the instructor as I hate weight training!) I hope everyone is having a great, healthy day------and I am going to steal a line from Dr. Oz. At the end of his show, he always tells viewers to take one thing they have learned from that show and share it with one other person---that's how we will get healthy together. If you find a particular article I have shared on the blog benefits you or someone you care about, share it with one other person ----- that's how we will balance the world's hormones. Take care.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting article. I have been researching bioidenticals in great detail and I have been waiting for my results of my hormone test. Here is a website that has helped me learn a lot,

